Our Guiding Principles
Ivresse Co., Ltd. is dedicated to creating rich and comfortable things, times, and spaces through the art of craftsmanship.We are working to contribute to society by creating and advancing better lifestyles, and to promote sustainable development by aligning our company with the UN’s SDGs.
■Diversity and Respect for Basic Human Rights
Ivresse respects the diverse values and workstyles of all those involved in our enterprise, and strives to create an environment in which every individual can thrive.
Quality education
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Gender equality
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
・Create an environment where women can thrive, with a high proportion of female employees and managers
・Certified by the city of Osaka in 2014 as a "Leading Company for Women”
■Care for the Environment
Ivresse strives to create products and interior spaces that are environmentally friendly.
Responsible consumption and production
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Life on land
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
■Contributing to Society
Ivresse strives to enable companies and communities to live and grow together through travel.
Decent work and economic growth
Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all
Ivresse strives to enhance corporate governance in order to increase our corporate value.
Peace, justice, and strong institutions
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels